Robin Ruh
Simple Flip, but pretty high


Shooting Switzerland (continued)

Etnies European Championship Oct. 1–3 1999, Switzerland

Contest time! Even we are a pretty small country people decide to make a bunch of contests over here, one of them this year, which was lately, was the Etnies European Championship. The whole thing took place at the indoor park "Block37" and it was packed with skaters those days. The great thing was that I was able to sneak onto the street course and take pictures between all those professional photographers! Enclosed you'll find the contest results and my pictures, hope you like them.

Dominik Dietrich
5-0 on a High Funbox
Roman Hackl
Trick unknown, but nice clean Grab

Guy Kämpfen
Feeble Grind


Mehmet Aydin
Backside Lipslide





Real Skate Copyright © 1999-2003 by Clarkie, Santa Cruz, CA. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopy, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, photographers, writers, or artists named herein. Trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. (What this means is, Please Don't Steal!).